Bohemian concrete artistry
precise original unique
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Customers reviews

Robert Brodersen
Truly awesome and "one-of-a-kind" products you get here.
Shipping is also fast and safe. Highly recommended if you want something unique for yourself (or as a gift)

Kateřina Spilková
Naprostá krása, jemnost a dokonalost. Máme (zatím) závěsnou lampu Šlupku a jsme nadšeni. Skvělá komunikace, vyjdou vstříc a poradí. Doporučujeme!

Jana Doškářová
Krásná mísa v nádherném balení a naprosto skvělá komunikace. Dárek jsem objednávala těsně před Vánoci a nedoufala, že by dárek mohl dorazit, nicméně pan majitel byl neskutečně flexiblní a ochotný a dárek byl doručen ještě s rezrevou. Určitě budu nakupovat znovu .
100% Hand-made
We are proud craftsmen, who enjoy working with clay. We do believe, that hand-made stuff, especially today, has an added value and we are addicted to manual labour
Combination of crafts
Concrete has many faces and we, love to collaborate with other craftsmen, artists and enthusiasts to combine our forces and achieve something new and exciting. It is always some kind of an alchemistic adventure
Made in Bohemia
Our country is home to many crafts and arts and has been for centuries. We are proud, that we can be part of that and bear the tradition further